Dear Friend
Natural skincare products in the US

Skincare recommendations

Ein Blog sollte Tipps geben, persönlich sein und authentisch. Trotzdem ist es anders einen Artikel zu schreiben als eine Mail mit Tipps an eine Freundin. Wie schon letzten Sommer zum Thema Sonnenschutz, möchte ich heute gerne einen Brief mit Euch teilen den ich an eine entfernte Bekannte geschrieben habe.

Beautiful question

Liv, Hi!

My husband tells me you’re quite the beauty product queen. Have you heard of or tried Beauty Counter products? I’ve been using Dr. Hauschka but was thinking of trying Beauty Counter. Curious of your thoughts or favorite products.

Dear friend,

Good to hear from you! Your boyfriend is right, I do know a lot about natural cosmetic and care brands, products and ingredients.

Also, I am a big fan of the Dr.Hauschka brand. Although since about 1½ years I am using lots of different brands for my facial care. And I love it!

Beauty Counter

I have actually never heard of the ‘Beauty Counter’ brand before. But a first glimpse at their list of ingredients does not look very positive to me. The base of their ingredients is quite cheap (water, glycerine and alcohol), only later on are plant extracts listed. Also, in some products they use ingredients such as silicon and non-natural sun protectors (yikes!). These ingredients should not be used by natural beauty brands. Aside from that, I can hardly find any reviews about these products on my favourite US beauty blogs. All in all, I can’t recommend this brand.

Your Routine

Before I can recommend any specific products for you to use, I need to know a bit more about your skincare wishes and routine:

  • What is your skin type? Or do you (only) experience problems during these cold winter days?
  • Which Hauschka products are you using right now – which ones you love, and why?
  • Why do you want to switch to a new brand?
  • How would do you like your routine to be?
  • Which ‘ideology for cosmetics’ do you like? Hauschka for example preaches oil-free night care ( Do you practice that as well?
  • Are you ok with ordering products online?

My thoughts on Dr.Hauschka skincare

Dr.Hauschka basics Pflege

I love the Dr.Hauschka concept, the brand and its products.

Here are some other thoughts on what I love about Dr.Hauschka’s theory on skincare, which I follow:

  • An oil-free night care
  • No peelings
  • Less is more
  • The skin can ‘learn’ to take care of itself
  • Also, they do have great facial masks you could use as a day cream, if normal creams are not sufficient.

Why I started liking other products as well:

Hauschka offers no sun protection, uses quite a lot of alcohol and doesn’t use many of the newest highly effective plant ingredients for sun damage, and it is a rather complicated brand.

My favourite brands in the US

Organic Skincare

To actually give you some recommendations, I have googled a bit for my favourite brands besides Dr.Hauschka. For example, I love the skincare products by Santaverde, Martina Gebhardt and Alva. All of them are German brands and are either very expensive in the States or not available at all.

However, there are so many great green beauty brands in the States and Canada as well. J Here are a few names of my favourite US brands and other brands easily available in the US:


Juice Beauty tined Moisturizer

BB Cream Juice Beauty vs Andalou

  • MV Skincare (used to be Mary Veronique Organics)
  • Balm Balm
  • One Love Organics
  • Kimberly Sayer (great daycream with SPF)
  • Juice Beauty
  • John Masters
  • Tata Harper Skincare
  • Kahina Giving Beauty
  • Evan Healy
  • May Lindstrom
  • Yüli
  • Live Live & Organic
  • Suki Skincare
  • Pai Skincare
  • Andalou Naturals

Body Care


Bader Balm After sun - 2

  • Badger Balm
  • Organic Surge
  • Avalon Organics
  • Deep Steep
  • Plant
  • Hurraw! (lipbalms)

Hair Care

  • Deset Essence
  • Acure
  • Yarok
  • Rahua
  • John Masters


  • Soapwalla
  • Jason
  • Schmidt’s


  • Kjaer Weiss
  • Gressa
  • Vapour
  • Ilia
  • Bite Beauty (from Canada)
  • Almay
  • W3ll People
  • RMS Beauty
  • Lily&Lolo
  • 100% Pure


Of course there are many more great natural skincare and cosmetics brands out there. Also, for really good advice we would need to take into account your wishes and budget. But this is just to get you curious and inspired. For further reading I can recommend two great US blogs: Genuine Glow (my favourite!) and No More Dirty Looks. Kate from the Blog Living Pretty Naturally is from Canada but lives in Norway.


I hope this is helpful. Looking forward to your answer!

Best wishes, Liv


  • Ich finde das eine ganz tolle Idee, dass du deine (privaten) Empfehlungen hier teilst. Ich glaube, dass hatte ich dir schon beim ersten Mal gesagt oder zumindest wollte ich es. 😉

    Noch schöner finde ich es, wenn Freunde, Bekannte oder Familie auf einen zukommen und um Rat fragen. Jedenfalls hast Du ganz tolle Produkte und Marken für deine Bekannte rausgesucht. 🙂

    Liebe Grüße,

    • puraliv sagt:

      Hallo liebe Jenni! Danke für das positive Feedback. Grade bei Fragen von Freunden merke ich immer wieder, dass es auch hier auf dem Blog schon oft zu tief geht und ein bisschen ‘Fachwissen’ was INCIS, Marken, Zertifikate aber auch Pflegeroutinen betrifft vorausgesetzt wird. Ich hoffe, dass ich so ein paar Leute bedienen kann …
      Und was die US Marken betrifft: ich habe richtig Lust bekommen auf eine Bestellung bei Being Content oder gleich eine Reise in die USA 😉
      Liefs, liv

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